3 Reasons why seniors are more millennial than millennials

October 24, 2017

There have been many things said about both the millennial and baby-boomer generations. The goal-centric with a strong work-ethic baby boomer is never put in the same category as the natural entrepreneur and liberal millennial. Some have said the differences between two of the nation’s largest generations are far greater than the similarities. But what some don’t realize is baby boomers truly are the GOAT (millennial-speak for Greatest Of All Time) or the cat’s pajamas, in more relatable terms. In fact, I would like to argue that seniors may be a little more “millennial” than millennials themselves.

senior woman tailoring a young man's suit

1. Side gigs and freelance work

Millennials are thought to be the generation that prefers to work in coffee shops or arcade-themed offices. The generation of side gigs and freelance work. But studies suggest that it is the oldest generation quietly adopting these millennial stereotypes and making them their own. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, people over the age of 65 are four times more likely to be self-employed or working part-time jobs than those under 34. Americans are working longer for many reasons. They are generally living longer and healthier lives, they are better educated and have a stronger desire to keep up with hobbies leading to more freelance and gig-style work.

senior couple eating sushi

2. The FFF: The first and forever “foodie”

It has been said that millennials are the reason for the increase in restaurants due to the developed habit of eating out versus at home. Taco Tuesday and wing Wednesday, along with 5 others, have given millennials even more reason to override the at-home dinner experience and venture downtown with friends. But according to The Atlantic, since the 1990s senior citizens are the generation that have shifted most in eating out versus cooking at home. Who are the real “foodies” now?

senior man drinking coffee and checking his phone

3. The Social Media Guru

What’s more millennial than social media? The rulers of the revolution of technology are no longer in the driver’s seat. Even though millennials may be the first generation to grow up during the fast-paced development of technology, seniors have hopped on the social media train to stay. According to Digital & Direct Marketing Agency, DMN3, 82.3% of seniors belong to at least one social media site. And what’s even more impressive? Of internet users, 13% over the age of 65 use LinkedIn—close to the same rate as millennials, which is 15%. The networking generation is about to get out-networked by the silver surfers.

Maybe you’re convinced, maybe you’re not. If nothing else, you will now have more to talk about with your grandkids at the next family gathering. In all, as generations come and go, there are always things to learn from the ones past and the ones ahead. In this fast-paced world, learning to adapt to each new progression is a great skill to acquire and seniors continue to prove that they are ahead of the game more than ever.


