Avoiding the Winter Blues

February 6, 2019

Winter doesn’t just bring shorter days and colder weather. It can also bring out bad health habits. Often, we swap normal outdoor exercise and vegetable rich diets for sitting indoors, watching television, and eating junk food. Here are few tips to keep your winter wellness at its best.


Air Quality

People tend to spend more time indoors when the temperature drops, but indoor air quality is often lower than outdoors. Indoor air pollutants and allergens can have a negative effect on your health.


What to do?

Vacuum twice a week, wash sheets weekly, keep a clean home

Make a point to get outside


Keep Hydrated

Most people don’t associate dehydration with winter, but you can get dehydrated regardless of the temperature outside. Your body loses a lot of fluid during the cold, dry winter months.


What to do?

Make a point to drink water and replenish fluids

Moisturize your skin


Stay Active

It can be difficult to stay active during the cold months, but adults still need a minimum of 30 minutes of physical activity daily.


What to do?

Bundle up for a walk

Visit the fitness center, take part in community classes and activities