10 Ways To Maximize The Last Month Of Summer

August 18, 2017

Yeah, we know—the pending end of summer can be an emotional roller coaster. On one hand, you’re pretty happy about how it’s gone so far, but on the other, you’re a little frantic, worrying you haven’t “maximized” it enough. Well, to ease your mind and to inspire you with some fun ideas for activities during these last few weeks, here are 10 things that will help you squeeze every last drop out of summer.

senior couple in a convertible

1—Go somewhere you’ve never been before.

We’re not talking about the French Riviera or the Great Wall but about taking advantage of what we have here in our own backyard. Salt Lake City just happens to be a few hours away from several world-famous national parks. You can literally drive to Zion National Park (home of Angels Landing) or Arches National Park (home to Delicate Arch, one of the most treasured rock formations in the world) in an afternoon. This would be the perfect month to visit either one because temperatures have dropped and so have the crowds.

Visit Utah information: https://www.visitutah.com/?&gclid=Cj0KCQjwiLDMBRDFARIsACNmiX_8uQEJ43prAvsF9XTFwTd48N-u6m_Z1py-ganPm-kf6osOHOj9nAAaAhK8EALw_wcB

deluxe hot dogs

2—Eat junk food. (Because calories don’t count when you’re on the road.)

A road trip’s not a road trip without a gas station hot dog. Or an ice-cold soda. Or a stop at any sketchy-looking greasy diner. And if you’re planning to be on the road for a few hours, it makes sense to enjoy them even more.

18 of the best foods for a road trip:


baseball player at bat

3—Catch a few innings at a baseball game.

Baseball is more than America’s pastime — it’s also a fantastic way to enjoy a summer night. The warm weather, the fanfare, the seventh-inning stretch … it’s just the thing to close your summer with.

Salt Lake Bees August game schedule:


couple eating watermelon

4—Eat a juicy slice of watermelon.

If you haven’t had that ultimate slice of watermelon yet, don’t worry … there’s still time! Check out your local grocer or stop by the SLC Farmers Market at Pioneer Park any Saturday. This is one of those things that really signifys summer. So you better plan on eating one.

Salt Lake City Farmer’s Market:



5—Find the perfect milkshake.

This is certainly a subjective task. But one that’s definitely worth the effort. And fortunately for you, Utah happens to be home to several award-winning, mouthwatering masterpieces.

21 unique ice cream shops in Utah:


family having a picnic

6—Pick the ultimate picnic spot for your family.

There’s something about finding your old wicker basket, washing the red and white checkered tablecloth, grabbing some plates and utensils, picking up a bucket of chicken, and then heading off to a less-ordinary picnic area. The extended family will appreciate your inspired creativity, and you don’t even have to tell them about this website.


senior couple kissing

7—Discover a new make-out point (seriously).

This title says it all. Keep the summer romance alive by picking out a new spot to plant a well-deserved kiss on your significant other.

Best places to watch the sunset:



senior couple on swinging bench

8—Sit and listen to crickets at night.

This is one of the easiest ones to check off the list. But it’s also one of the most satisfying. There’s nothing more relaxing (and more “free”) than stepping out your front door and just sitting down and listening.


corn on the cob

9—Eat an ear of corn on the cob.

See #4 above.

How to grill corn on the cob:



movie popcorn with tickets and 3D glasses

10—See a summer blockbuster.

We’ve all been conditioned to get excited about summer blockbusters (even though most of them are duds). That said, this is a rite of passage that truly defines summer. So check your local listings or the link below to find out what’s on the screen.

Check out Rotten Tomatoes to see what’s currently playing:



Learn more about Summit Vista: https://summitvista.com/