How does Summit Vista stack up?
Wondering how your current monthly expenses compare to the cost of living maintenance-free at Summit Vista?
Our cost-comparison calculator lets you see a side-by-side comparison of your living options and helps you explore ideal floor plans for your budget.

Getting your report is easy and FREE. Just fill in the empty boxes with your known monthly expenses to automatically generate a downloadable report.
Cost-comparison calculator
- 1 Household, Income, Net Worth
- 2 Housing Expenses
- 3 Maintenance
- 4 Lifestyle
- 5 Personal info
- 6 Download
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1. Household, Income, Net Worth
How many people make up your household?
Click the drop-down and select your household size (single or couple).
What is your annual income?
How much income do you bring in each year? Include all sources of annual income (before taxes) from Social Security, annuities, pension, retirement funds, and other investments?
What is your approximate net worth?
This includes your home value, stocks & bonds, mutual funds & IRAs, trusts, and any other monthly income sources.
2. Housing Expenses
How much do you spend each month on housing expenses?
If you are unsure about your monthly fees, click on "apply local average" and we will calculate the current average costs in your area.
3. Maintenance
How much do you spend each month on home repairs and maintenance?
If you are unsure about your monthly fees, click on "apply local average" and we will calculate the current average costs in your area.
4. Lifestyle
How much do you spend each month on lifestyle expenses?
If you are unsure about your monthly fees, click on "apply local average" and we will calculate the current average costs in your area.
Your results are on their way!
Click "Download my report" to review your report. Your results have also been emailed to you.
We can help find the perfect home for you. Call today.